Tired of spending hours grocery shopping to find the perfect foods?


What if your skin could be better faster with one simple routine. Something as easy as 15 seconds of your time to better skin.

After years of searching, I couldn’t find a product out there that I felt offered you the best simple solution to heal breakouts. That’s why I formulated the Clear Skin Bundle and made it more potent, so you could have better results based on what I’ve seen in my clinical experience.

With the Clear Skin Bundle, you can nourish your skin with key acne-fighting, skin supporting nutrients in 1 simple routine. Check out what’s included below.


Clear Well Multi

Clear Well Multi is formulated to provide comprehensive support for healthy skin by focusing on the internal healing process and overall skin health. The key ingredients are pantothenic acid and carnitine. Pantothenate also helps regulate fat metabolism, and may affect the balance of oils in the skin. The potent anti-inflammatory and immune-supportive nutrient carnitine helps pantothenic acid work more efficiently in fat metabolism.

Additional skin-supportive nutrients in Clear Well Multi include zinc, copper, selenium, chromium, niacin, biotin, vitamin B6, and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, & E.

Clear Well Omega Blend

Unique omega 3-6-7-9 formula reduces inflammation and supports hormone balance. Contains a blend of wild deep-sea sourced fish oils containing the omega-3 fats (EPA/DHA), the most important omega-6 fat (GLA from borage oil), the omega-7 fat palmitoleic acid and omega-9 fat oleic acid.

As always, our fish oils are molecularly distilled and filtered to ensure purity and to maximize the removal of heavy metals, pesticides, solvents, PCBs, and other contaminants.


All products offered through our online store have also met rigorous quality standards to ensure pure ingredients, quality formulations, & accurate labeling. Products offered do not contain cheap fillers, poorly absorbed ingredients, and contain the advertised ingredients.

Subscribe & Save on Dr. Shayna’s complete Clear Skin Bundle at the link below.