4 Little Known Strategies To Reset Your Thyroid



Hello there, Dr. Shayna Peter here. Today we're going to be talking about strategies for thyroid recovery because thyroid conditions are so incredibly common. It's estimated that 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid condition and 60% don't know; they're undiagnosed. I see this a lot in the office. People that are having autoimmune issues, skin issues, or other symptoms and their thyroid is involved and they don't know because they haven't properly been properly tested. And the reason this is happening is because when people are having their annual checkup or their wellness screen, only the TSH is being tested, and it's not a very good marker, it’s not a very good screen for thyroid function. A lot of people that have autoimmune conditions are missed by only checking that one marker. So today I want to cover some strategies, some key factors that are necessary to address if you want to recover and restore thyroid function naturally.

Okay, so first let's talk about nutritional status. Nutrition is the foundation of health. You can't achieve any sort of longterm remission or long term relief without addressing nutritional status. So there's about 10 different vitamins that are needed in order for the thyroid to function optimally. Okay. So I have some of these listed here as Zinc,B12, magnesium, B2, selenium, iodine, vitamin C and so on. So there are all these different vitamins that are needed for healthy thyroid function. Another factor that has to be addressed are food allergens. So, food allergens are playing a role in a lot of autoimmune thyroid conditions. So out of those food allergens, gluten is the biggest culprit. Gluten sensitivity is a major factor in autoimmune thyroid conditions. Okay. Another factor that you want to address is detoxification and chemicals. So, not just detoxifying but also reducing your exposure to these chemicals.

It's been documented in medical research that uh, non non metal toxins as well as heavy metals. There are numerous toxins that have been documented consistently in medical research to disrupt thyroid function. So if you're wanting to restore your thyroid health naturally is critically important to address this factor and reduce your chemical exposure. Um, the last factor that I want to touch on is healing your gut. And I actually should have put this first because it's so important. It's the gateway for a lot of auto immunity to begin and it actually impacts all these other factors. So in terms of healing your gut, there's several pieces to this. Um, some people that have an autoimmune condition may have something called leaky gut where their intestinal barrier is compromised, it's not intact. So things that pass through their digestive system that should be coming out in their stool are entering their bloodstream and triggering an immune response.

Another factor that's extremely important to address with thyroid and healing the gut are infections. So there are number of organisms that have been documented in medical research as triggers of a thyroid disease. Some of the most common are a bacteria called helicobacter pylori and another bacteria called Yersinia enterocolitica. So again, these are the main factors that need to be addressed if we're talking about restoring thyroid function and a recovery. So I hope that you found this video to be helpful. If you are struggling with a thyroid condition and you want to get on a wellness plan that's personalizing, get that healing process going. Head over to wellaheadchicago.com and get in touch with us. We're here to help you. Um, I hope, again, I hope that you found this video to be helpful. If you did, please share it. There are so many people out here struggling with thyroid conditions and don't know where to find help, so you really could be saving a life. I'm Dr Shayna Peter and I'll see you next time.

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