Staying Gluten & Dairy Free While Traveling | 7 Easy Tips


Staying Gluten & Dairy Free While Traveling | 7 Easy Tips


Following a gluten free diet can take some extra effort.  Traveling and being outside of your normal environment can add an extra layer of difficulty.  These easy clean eating, gluten-free travel tips will have you prepared and keep you from having set backs when you're jet setting.

  1. Meal plan while you’re packing. Think about what you’re going to eat before you arrive at your destination.

  2. Inquire at your hotel before you arrive. Believe or not some hotels do have gluten free bread and pasta alternatives in their restaurants. You don’t know until you ask.

  3. Book accommodations that give you access to a refrigerator at the very least; if there’s a microwave or kitchenette even better.

  4. Pack packaged items. i.e. gluten free oatmeal, crackers, trail mix, dried fruit, protein shakes, snack bars. If you only have a coffee maker in your hotel and no gluten free restaurant options, at the very least you’ll be able to make gluten free oatmeal for breakfast or a protein shake . You don’t know what your environment will be when you get there or what food will be available, so you have to come prepared with healthy options.

  5. Take your veggies with you. A vegetable and fruit supplement can be an easy way to make sure you’re getting your daily servings of plant nutrients and antioxidants. Some our favorites are Designs for Health PaleoGreens & PaleoReds

  6. Locate your nearest health food store. When you arrive at your destination, you’ll be able to pick up specialty items like gluten free bread, non-dairy milk, and often times pre-cooked items that be store in a refrigerator and heated up.

  7. Research restaurants in the area you will be visiting before you arrive. WIth a quick Opentable or google maps search with the name of the city or zip code, you’ll be able to find restaurants in the area, shopping centers, and identify places to eat that you’re familiar with. Find Me Gluten Free is an app you can use to identify restaurants that have gluten-free menus.

How to Do Damage Control When Exposed to Gluten

  1. Allergzyme - specialized digestive enzyme formula that contains extra enzyme support to break down proteins in gluten and dairy.

  2. IgG Protect - supports healthy immune function and helps to maintain a healthy gut barrier

Log in to your Fullscript account or Create an Account to find these formulas in our Catalog under Clean Eating & Travel.

What do you do to stay gluten free when traveling??

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